25 Nisan 2012 Çarşamba

The Most Effective Methods in Language Learning

Human language doesn’t resemble other communication systems .It is unique. It is a kind of privilege to given people. Language is very important for people . It provides(us)  to understand each other. We use it as a communication tool .We can talk and comprehend each other by means of language . We use it everywhere in our life like at school, at home, and at malls. Moreover , it separates us from other creatures. Ancient peoples said that ‘people understand each other by speaking, animals do it by sniffing’ . They are right because humans have ability to speak only.  They also said ‘one language, one person’. They explained the importance of language. Furthermore, one who cannot speak any  language except from his own language, he cannot be successful, for example , in business life and school life. In Addition,  Not to forget their dialogs, opinions and inventions, humans have discovered writing. We can say that, language helped them to invent a important thing in human  life. Thousands of languages have emerged from past to present and almost many of them either are forgotten or used very little.

Well, how do we learn language?. Is it inherit from our families being  genetic?, Or does it learned from environment? .Some people believe that our language learning ability is innate while others believe that we gain it  from environment. Whether language learning is programmed into our genes or learned from environment is not definite. Actually,  language cannot be totally genetic . If it was , We would start to speak at birth. Additionally , men(people) and children from any race can talk more than one language , if they are exposed to live various countries. Therefore, language learning ability is programmed our genes, but we improve or learn it thanks to the environment. Language learning is a important factor. As strategies are important factors in learning a language, educators need must effective  factors to be learned language. There are a lot of effective  language learning methods.

 Social and language learning environment is the first one. It is effective in terms of unknown words. To explain, İf learners don’t know a word’s meaning , they can ask and the other learner can explain and show them.  Many learners prefer this strategy because of this situation and they find the it easy to talk with other learners in their group and they make a lot of pratictise with each other. Nevertheless, they  are shy to warn each other when one of them is wrong .They may also not know the correct word to correct each other ,so they may learn wrong way. Thus, they should speak a native speaker to learn more word and to learn  the correct pronunciations of the words. Moreover, when they talk, they don’t ask each other the part which they didn’t understand and they may miss the rest of the conversation, so they should ask. In Research of  Masoud Hashemi, many of learners who attended the research are seen as having these kinds of things. According to  Hashemi  (2011),  the learners talk with other learners to make practice, and are enthusiastic  to know about English culture. However they appear to be too shy to ask for repetition when they don’t apprehend specially in face to face communication.
Second factor is the cognitive learning. Learners use this strategy to get information and to store information. In this strategy, they can read a book, a newspaper, and a magazine and they translate the reading which they read in  their own language . In this way, they don’t forget what they learned and because of the pictures in a newspaper and magazine, they can remember more easy. Nyan Nguyen explains this strategy like that; ‘’Cognitive strategies prescribe that learners learn  by linking new information with existing schemata, analyzing and classifying new information, deep processing, forming and revising internal mental models and receiving and producing massages in the target language and he also says that learners with low proficiency levels may have difficulty handling these strategies.’’ I n his research, cognitive strategy is one of the most popular strategies. According to Masoud Hashemi, learners depend on memorization. They read lots of books and materials and they learn a lot, but they don’t use them when they meet. Furthermore, they may forget what they learn. He means that they may learn a lot, but it is important to repeat them not to forget them.
Thirdly, Learners can learn language better  by means of cooperative learning. It is a group work. Because of cooperative learning , learners who are shy or introvert  are exposed to speak in the class. For example,  as some students are tricky follower, some learners think that when they speak, the tricky followers mock them. Therefore, They don’t speak in class, but the method help them to speak in the class because they find a chance to discuss the lesson that the teacher described  and they participate in the lesson by relying on their group friends. Moreover, they share their opinions and if one of them doesn’t know any word , others can explain him. According to Margarita Calderon, Robert Slavin, and Marta Sanchez(2010) , in cooperative learning, teachers separate students in small groups to provide one another learn and it also helps students to teach each other if they don’t understand the subject  , after the teacher finished to explain the lesson.
Learning by listening is the last factor.  In that method, learners can  listen to music and watch television to improve their language. To illustrate, if a learner listens to music regularly and tries to find the unknown words which are said in the music. In this way, he may improves his vocabulary list  thanks to this factor. In addition, he doesn’t forget the vocabularies which he learned.  Even if he forget, he can find them by thinking the song and associating the words with the song. He can use the words in a conversation and when he writing like in a letter. According to YU Jun-ling and TAO Yu (2011), the method helps learners to improve their both vocabulary and pronunciation abilities and leads them to monitor and focus on language word by word, which is called bottom-up strategy.

To conclude, language has important role on life of people. They can communicate with each other and share their ideas with other people by means of language. Besides, It  provides them several opportunities, for example, working in an international companies. Learning language is the another important factor in humans’ life. Unfortunately, learners have many difficulties when they learn a language. For instance, They always forget what they learn and they have difficulty in pronunciation.  This essay include the most effective factors in learning language which they can help learners to handle their difficulties, which they are social environment, cognitive learning, cooperative learning, and listening comprehension.

6 yorum:

  1. I forgot to put the references. I will add them as soon as possible. Thanks.

  2. Nice graphic! Looking forward to seeing your list of references, in APA format. :)

  3. Hocam - have you seen this TEDtalk? http://www.ted.com/talks/view/lang/en//id/76

  4. The video is very interesting. Kainzi can understand what she say although it cant speak. It can fire up that is very amazing:O. I cant understand such things. It is very interesting that the monkeys are similar with us.I cant believe it Are these things real:O).The video is associated with my topic. Thanks for video sir.

  5. References:

    Calderón M. , Slavin R. & Sanches M. (2011). ‘Effective Instruction For English Learner,’ The Future of Children, vol:21:pp.103-109. Retrieved from http://ehis.ebscohost.com/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=2a2a7914-a9ea-45b2-aba4-d5f32be23c00%40sessionmgr114&vid=3&hid=101

    Hashemi, M. (2011). ‘Strategies Of Iranian EFL Learners,’ International Journal Of Academic Research, Vol. 3 No 2: part 1.

    Nguyen N. & Godwyll F. (2010). ‘Factors Influencing Language-Learning Strategy
    Use of English Learners in an ESL Context,’ Mid-Western Educational Researcher, Vol.23, No.4: pp.7-12

  6. Good start. I enjoyed reading this draft of your essay. But a question came up while reading. Yes language is a tool of communication weather it is oral or written. But what about people with hearing,visual and speaking disabilities? How do they learn a language? There is of course, something that's called "sign language". But is the sign language used in Turkey is the same with the one used in Argentina? Or should schools teach sign language according to the moral factors that make people with certain disabilities feel less excluded?
    Okay,I know there are a lot of questions here, but these are the things that crossed my mind while reading your essay, and it is actually very good, because why write something if it doesn't make people think and question certain holes in the system ? So you did a great job :)
